Monthly Archives: April 2009

Family Time

2008 Michigan Family Gathering

2008 Michigan Family Gathering

Nothing is more important than family. The CdLS Foundation is proud to serve as an extended family, one that provides the extra support needed to help families cope with raising a child with CdLS. This year, why not personally connect with the Foundation and other families of children with CdLS at a family gathering.  These gatherings are hosted by families throughout the country and provide an opportunity for families to share their experiences, encourage one another and enjoy the company of those who understand their situation. At some of the gatherings, you may also meet one of the Foundation’s family service coordinators, along with medical professionals who are familiar with CdLS.

This year, gatherings will be held in the following locations:

  • May 2 – Katy, TX
  • June 6 – Dresher, PA
  • July 18 – Harvey, LA
  • August 1 – Bellevue, WA
  • August 15 – Gilsum, NH
  • August 15 – St. Louis, MO
  • September 12 – Lodi, CA

Click here to learn more about these gatherings and other Foundation events. To host a family gathering, contact or call the Foundation at 800-753-2357.

For all you Northeast families, don’t forget about the Foundation-sponsored CdLS Awareness Day Picnic on Saturday, May 9. Click here to view the event flier and RSVP today. Happy mingling! -JS

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Filed under CdLS, CdLS Events

The Foundation finds Facebook

facebook1Attention all you savvy social networkers: the CdLS Foundation now has a Facebook Cause page. Thanks to this online tool, we have already raised an extra $650 in support and are more effectively spreading the word about CdLS. Click here to check out our page or click on the “Find us on Facebook” link on the Foundation’s homepage,

If you have a Facebook page, feel free to post a link to our Cause page and help raise awareness. Now your family, friends and those in your network can learn more about the syndrome. The Foundation is seeking every possible outlet to reach out and make a difference in the lives of the families we serve. Be sure to check it out and continue the cause!  -JS

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Tag the Day for CdLS

yardsale_logo-small3This summer,  the CdLS Foundation is bringing back one of its original fundraising event:  the yard sale.

Yard Sale Across America takes place Saturday, June 6. Families from coast-to-coast will be cleaning out their closets, basements and attics and hosting yard sales to benefit the CdLS Foundation and the families it serves.

Want to “Tag the Day” for CdLS? It’s easy: just go online and request a Yard Sale Across America kit, complete with all the tips, materials and guidelines you need to have a successful yard sale.

Then choose a central location and start gathering your items. The more the merrier, so get your friends, family and neighbors in on the action too. Can’t have a yard sale on June 6? No worries – although June 6 is the official date, you can have your yard sale any time in June.

Now is the time to get started, so request your kit today. With your support of events like Yard Sale Across America, the Foundation can continue to reach out, provide help, and give hope to everyone affected by CdLS. -JS

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Filed under CdLS, CdLS Events, Foundation News, Fundraising